21 October 2020

Webinar | How to test Perovskite and Tandem PV modules (part 2)

Are you ready to accurately test these technologies?

Wednesday 28 October, 2020

8:00-9:00 CET / 13:00-14:00 CET / 20:00 - 21:00 CET

In Part 1 of this webinar series, we summarised the market advances in perovskite and tandem industrialization and we presented an overview of the main differences from standard Si PV. The webinar gained a lot of attention from PV research/testing labs and manufacturers and raised questions regarding the testing methods which can fulfill the requirements of these technologies.

In Part 2, we answer these questions by analyzing the building blocks for accurate performance and reliability measurements of perovskite and tandem modules. During the workshop, we are joined by Sjoerd Veenstra from TNO, who will present Solliance's developments towards stable perovskite devices and show results from their measurements.

The session will be held 3 times at 8:00, 13:00 and 20:00 Central European Time (CET) on the same day.

Register for the webinar here: How to test Perovskite and Tandem PV modules (part 2)


Stefan Roest

Stefan Roest

CTO and co-founder of Eternal Sun

Member of IEC 60904-9 revision team

Elias Garcia Goma

Elias Garcia Goma

PV Application Specialist @Eternalsun Spire

Member of IEC PV module testing committee (TC82 WG2)

Sjoerd Veenstra

Sjoerd Veenstra 

Program manager perovskite solar cells @ TNO Solliance